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  4. Windows SureMDM Agent v5.03.0 Upgrade Steps.
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  4. Windows SureMDM Agent v5.03.0 Upgrade Steps.

Windows SureMDM Agent v5.03.0 Upgrade Steps.

The following procedures must be followed for all agent upgrades from any version lower than v5.03.0. These steps are intended to address the numerous issues during the SureMDM agent update process.
This document implies both manual upgrades and upgrades via the SureMDM install job in the console.


The purpose of the article is to provide a guide on how to update the SureMDM agent on Windows devices when the agent version is less than v5.03.0.


The SureMDM agent version has to be lower than v5.03.0.


To upgrade the agent from the SureMDM console,

  1. Create a Runscript job for the below command :
    (Jobs > New Job > Windows > Runscript)

Script :
start "" /B "C:\Program Files (x86)\42Gears\Nix Agent\NixSvMng.exe" handleuninstall & timeout 10 & taskkill /F /IM NixSvMng.exe & timeout 10 & sc delete nixsvmng

NOTE: Quotes in this script should be double quotes, please verify once the script is copied and pasted while creating a job.

  1. Create an Install Job for SureMDM agent
  • Jobs > New Job > Windows > Install Job > Copy paste the SureMDM agent Link URL(https://suremdm.42gears.com/nix/nix_installer_win.exe).
  • Set Install Arguments as /verysilent.
  • Save the Job.
  1. Create a Composite Job with the Script job and the Install job with a delay of 10secs in the following order:
  • Script job > Add 10sec delay.
  • Install Job of SureMDM upgrade.

Note: It is mandatory to follow all the steps mentioned.

To upgrade the agent manually

  1. Run the below command through a runscript job via SureMDM onto the device.

start "" /B "C:\Program Files (x86)\42Gears\Nix Agent\NixSvMng.exe" handleuninstall & timeout 10 & taskkill /F /IM NixSvMng.exe & timeout 10 & sc delete nixsvmng

NOTE: Quotes in this script should be double quotes, please verify once the script is copied and pasted while creating a job.

2. Download the Latest SureMDM agent from the website and install it. 

Note: The above steps are to be followed only once to upgrade to a version greater than or equal to v5.03.0.

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Updated on September 2024