This article shows how to update Zebra Devices Android OS via the SureMDM script.
Zebra Android devices Android version 7.0 & Above
The admin will need an image of the OS to which he wants the device OS upgraded. This image can be obtained from the Zebra Website based on the device’s OS model. Ensure that this image is in .zip format.
- Log into SureMDM and create a File Transfer job to save the OS image (.zip file) in the device.
- On SureMDM Home, click Jobs.
- On the Job screen, click New Job.
- On the Select the OS screen, select Android.
- On the Select Job Type screen, select File Transfer.
- Upload the OS image file(.zip) and save the Job
2. Create a Runscript job in SureMDM with the script mentioned below based on the current OS of the device.
- On SureMDM Home, click Jobs.
- On the Job screen, click New Job.
- On the Select the OS screen, select Android.
- On the Select Job Type screen, select Run Script.
- On the Run Script prompt, enter the script and click OK.
[Example script]
zebra(<wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic version=”11.1″ type=”PowerMgr”><parm name=”ResetAction” value=”8″ /><characteristic type=”file-details”><parm name=”ZipFile” value=”path_of_the_file” /></characteristic></characteristic></wap-provisioningdoc>)
Note: Please change the path and file name. It should be given as shown in the File Transfer job.
For example /sdcard/HE_FULL_UPDATE_13-35-25.00-TG-U00-STD-HEL-04.zip
- Once done, use the Apply option on SureMDM Home to apply the FileTransfer job. Once the file is successfully transferred to the device then apply the Run Script job to the desired Zebra device(s).
- From the device view: Once the job is applied, you can see the Android system update process screen shortly > The device turns off > Installing system update appears > Then boots up automatically.
Using SureMDM you can also downgrade the OS of the devices. Click here
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