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How to password protect the SureMDM Agent

IT admins can remotely configure or update SureMDM Agent settings on the enrolled devices.It is important to safeguard SureMDM settings from being tampered with by unauthorized users. Now Suremdm offers a feature to password-protect Nix Agent settings on the device end.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to password protect the SureMDM Agent.




1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2.Go to Jobs, click on New Job, select Android, and click SureMDM Agent Settings.

3. On SureMDM Agent Settings, enter the Job name and click Password Protect Agent Settings.

4. Set the password.

5. In the Protection type, you can view two options: 

  • Protect both views and edits and 
  • Protect only edits.

6. Protect both views and edits: The user will get a password prompt when accessing the SureMDM Agent application on the device. Only after entering the password can the user access SureMDM Agent settings.

7. Protect only edits: The user will be able to view SureMDM Agent settings, but he won’t be able to edit any set permissions.

8. Tap OK and save the SureMDM Agent Settings job.

9. Go back to the Home tab and select Android device(s) or group(s).

10. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

11. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

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Updated on June 2023
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