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  6. Showing Multiple Icons of an Application inside SureLock
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  5. Showing Multiple Icons of an Application inside SureLock

Showing Multiple Icons of an Application inside SureLock

Multiple icons are shown on the SureLock Home Screen. This might happen by manually creating a shortcut or checking the option Allow New Application shortcuts and installing the same App again and again or uninstalling and reinstalling the Application, due to which multiple App icons appear on the SureLock Home screen.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to avoid creating multiple icons of the same application.




  1. Navigate to SureLock Admin Settings using the SureLock Admin password.
  2. Tap on Manage Shortcuts on the Admin Settings screen.
  3. Click on Settings under Manage Shortcuts.
  4. Uncheck the option Allow New Application Shortcuts on Home Screen.
  5. Navigate back to the Manage Shortcuts.
  6. Tap on the Manage Shortcut again under Manage Shortcuts.
  7. Click to modify the shortcut that shows more than once.
  8. Tap on Delete.
  1. Click Done.

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Updated on May 2023
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