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  5. How to block mobile workers from installing applications on official Android devices

How to block mobile workers from installing applications on official Android devices

Many organizations use mobile devices and tablets in their work environment to mobilize their workforce. However, free access to multimedia, games, and social networking applications can affect workforce productivity. It becomes necessary to adopt a security measure that can lock down mobile devices, allow users to use only allowed applications, and also restrict the installation of third-party applications.

SureLock, apart from blocking access to such non-productive applications, also allows you to block the installation of applications by users.

To block application installation, it is important to make sure that Package Installer is not added to the Allowed Applications list in SureLock. Package Installer is a service responsible for the installation of applications on the Android platform.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to block mobile workers from installing applications on official Android devices.




1. Enter the SureLock Admin Settings using a password (default: 0000).

2. Tap Allowed Applications.

3. Check if the Allowed Applications list has Package Installer in it. If yes, tap Package Installer.

4. Tap Remove.

This will remove Package Installer from Allowed Applications and block the installation of applications while the device is in lockdown mode.

In addition to this, SureLock also has a special feature on Samsung KNOX devices to disable the application installation on the device.

To disable the application installation, follow these steps:

1. Access SureLock Admin Settings using a password (default: 0000).

2. On Admin Settings, navigate to Samsung KNOX Settings and tap Enable Samsung KNOX.

3. Further, tap the Disable Application Installation option.

This will ensure that the installation of new applications is disabled on Samsung devices.

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Updated on September 2023
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