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  4. Different ways of uninstalling an App via SureMDM

Different ways of uninstalling an App via SureMDM

Uninstalling an application from a device is one of the most basic requirements when it comes to remote device management. SureMDM provides us with ways to uninstall an application on a device without any manual process.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to uninstall an App in different ways via SureMDM.


  • The device must be online on the console, and the app must be visible on the App list.
  • The device must be Samsung KNOX, Device Owner, or Platform Signed for silent uninstallation.


Step 1: Via App list

  1. Login to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the Home section.
  3. Search for the device on which you want to uninstall an application.
  4. Click on the device, navigate to the app section on the console, and it will show all the installed applications on the device.
  5. Select the applications you want to uninstall and click on Uninstall.

6. The application(s) will be uninstalled automatically on the device end.

Step 2: Via Run Script

1. Login to the SureMDM console.

2. Navigate to the Job Section.

3. Select Android as the Operating System.

4. Click on the Run Script job.

5. Add the runscript. Please click on this link to know how  to create a runscript job.


uninstall(app package ID)

Note: The app package ID is the package name for an application and can be found in the application list of the device on SureMDM.

6. Enter the job name and click on Save.

7. You can then push the job to the device where you want to uninstall the specific application, and on successful completion of the job, the application will be deleted.

Step 3: Via Application settings

  1. Login to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the Jobs section.
  3. Click on New Job and select the Operating System as Android.
  4. Select the Application Settings job.

5.Select the Applications that need to be uninstalled.

6. Click on Add.

7. The applications will show up on the right tab.

8. Select the job type as Uninstall.

9. Enter the job name and save it.

10.Go to the Home and select the devices where you want to implement the configuration.

11.. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

12. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the created job and click Apply.

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Updated on July 2023
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