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  4. How to efficiently use MDM User Management with SureMDM?

How to efficiently use MDM User Management with SureMDM?

SureMDM offers comprehensive admin user management features through User Management option. You can use this option to add multiple administrators, customize their permissions by assigning them to groups, functions or specific features.

User Management in SureMDM

SureMDM User Management option currently allows customizing user permissions for all existing and new administrators using the following set of permissions:

1. Group Permissions

Specify and limit an admin to only certain functions that can be performed on the allowed group(s). 

Example: You can restrict an admin from creating a new group by unchecking New Group option under Group Permissions.

i. Allow Home Group – Uncheck this option if you want to restrict the user from accessing Home folder. However, the user will still have access to sub-folders under Home. This is helpful when you do not want the users to have access to new enrolled devices which generally gets added to Home group.

ii. Allow new device group – Uncheckthis option if you do not want the user to have access to new groups which are created post this permission is applied. 

Example: If you have disabled this permission for a user today at 11.00 AM, any groups created after that will not appear on the console for the user.

2. Device Action Permissions

Use options listed under this section to specify what actions the admin is allowed to perform on the enrolled devices. 

Example: You can restrict an admin from applying a new job to a device by unchecking Apply Job option under Device Action Permissions.

3. Device Management Permissions

Use this section to restrict the admins to only specified management functions that they can perform on the enrolled devices.

Example: An admin can be allowed to just approving the device by unchecking all options under this section except Approve device.

4. Application Settings Permissions

This section allows an admin to select and permit the SureMDM Web Console users to perform only certain application settings related functions like uninstalling an application or locking an application with a password on an enrolled device.

5. Job Permissions

Job refers to a set of instructions which can be remotely applied to enrolled devices for execution. You can use options under Job Permissions to specify and limit an admin to only certain Job-related functions. 

Example: You can restrict an admin from modifying any existing job by unchecking Modify Job option under section.

6. Report Permissions

Job refers to a set of instructions which can be remotely applied to enrolled devices for execution. You can use options under Job Permissions to specify and limit an admin to only certain Job-related functions. 

Example: You can restrict an admin from modifying any existing job by unchecking Modify Job option under section.

7. User Management Permissions

The set of options under this section allows an admin to specify the permissions to either allow or restrict the SureMDM Web Console users from adding, editing and deleting new users. 

Example: If only Edit User option is checked under this section, the user would be able to only edit permissions for users and not add a new user or delete existing users.

8. Other Permissions

You can use the options listed under this section to permit or restrict users from view and export Activity Log or change the login password to access SureMDM Web Console.

9. Allowed Groups

This section can be used to select only those desired group(s) that you want the users to manage. 

Example: If you check all groups except 01 (as shown in the screenshot below), the user will be able to perform permitted functions on devices under all other groups except 01.

10. Allowed Job Folders

Use this section to give users permission to only selected Job Folder(s). Once a list of  Job Folders are checked and selected, the user will be able to edit, delete or apply jobs only under these specified folders. 

Example: If only 03Oct2016 and 0S30/09 folders are selected (as shown in the screenshot below), the user would be able to edit, delete or apply jobs only under these two folders.

Steps to add a new user with customized permissions

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home, click Settings located at the top right of the console.

3. Select User Management from the drop down menu.

4. On the User Management prompt, click Add User.

5. On the Create New User prompt, enter following details and click User Permissions.

  • User Name
  • Password
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone number

6. On the User Permissions prompt, either select from the following three permissions presets or select Custom to customize the permissions:

  • All Permissions
  • Administrator
  • Helpdesk

7. If Custom selected, uncheck the permissions that the user should be restricted from using.

8. Once done, click OK to go back to Create New User prompt.

9. On the Create New User prompt, click Create to complete.

Note: You can use Edit User or Delete User on User Management prompt to edit the user’s credentials and permissions or delete users from the list respectively.

To explore more such features which can make mobile device management easier, click here.

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Updated on June 2021
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