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  4. How to use File Store – Secure Way to Share and Distribute Files on Mobile Devices with SureMDM

How to use File Store – Secure Way to Share and Distribute Files on Mobile Devices with SureMDM

Apart from offering extended mobile device management (MDM) features, SureMDM now offers a secure way to share and distribute enterprise files on Android and iOS devices through the File Store option. This new option allows IT administrators to create a document library and share documents like images, videos, and other files across enrolled Android and iOS devices.

To share a file using the File Store option in SureMDM, the following three steps have to be performed:

  • Upload the file to the File Store.
  • Create a File Sharing Policy profile.
  • Apply the created profile to the desired devices.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to use the File Store in a secure way to share and distribute files on mobile devices with SureMDM.




Step 1: To upload the files to File Store

1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home,  and click File Store.

3. On the File Store screen, click New Folder to create a new folder.

4. Once the folder is created, click and highlight the folder.

5. Next, click Upload files, browse, and upload the desired file(s).

6. On successful upload, you will see the document listed under the folder.

Step 2: To create a File Sharing Policy profile.

1. On SureMDM Home, click Profiles.

2. On the Profiles screen, select the desired platform (Android or iOS) and click Add.

3. On the Work Profile screen, click the File Sharing Policy tab.

4. Give a name to the profile and click Configure.

5. Next, click Add to launch the File Store.

6. Select the desired files or documents and click Add to List.

7. After adding, click Done to go back to the configuration screen.

8. Click Save to complete.

Step 3:  To apply the created profile on desired devices

1. On SureMDM Home, select the device or group.

2. Click Apply from the Quick Action Toolbar.

3. On the Apply Job to Device prompt, select the File Sharing Policy job and click Apply.

Note: You can use the Configure Schedule Time option to schedule the job to be applied on a specific day and time.

On successful completion, the Android device will have a new app named SureMDM File Store, which will list the shared file for the user to download. For iOS devices, SureMDM Agent will have an extra tab labeled EFSS, which lists the shared file for download.

Apart from offering a secure and easy way to share enterprise files on BYOD and dedicated devices (formerly called COSU or corporate-owned single-use), SureMDM also allows IT administrators to create their own enterprise app store for easy and streamlined application distribution. Click here to read more.

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Updated on September 2023
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