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  5. How to get notified when Device goes Offline or comes Online using SureMDM

How to get notified when Device goes Offline or comes Online using SureMDM

With SureMDM, online and offline status of devices can be monitored easily with features that can be remotely and silently enabled on any enrolled device. These features once enabled and applied as jobs on the device, the admin or specified recipients would get notifications whenever the enrolled devices come online or whenever devices go offline for a specified period of time.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to receive notifications when a device goes offline or comes online using SureMDM.


This can be set up using two kinds of Notification Policy jobs:

  • Notify when the device is not connected for __ minutes.
  • Notify when the device comes online.
  • This notification policy feature is also available for Windows CE, Windows Mobile and Windows 7, 8 and 10.
  • To know more about this notification policy,  please click here.


1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home Screen, click on the Jobs option under the Utility Panel.

3. On the Jobs screen, click New Job and select Android from the prompt.

4. On the Select Job Type prompt, click Notification Policy.

5. On the Notification policy on device prompt, give a name to the job and depending on the requirement select from the following five options:

  • Enable Battery Policy – Set a Battery Percentage threshold for an alert.
  • Enable Connection Policy – Set a threshold in minutes. SureMDM will automatically send notifications to specific recipients when the device remains offline for the set period of time.
  • Enable Data Usage Policy – SureMDM allows you to track and control mobile data costs through two features under this option.
  • Limitation Alerts and Data Usage Report.
  • Notify when device comes online – Check this option if notifications have to be sent to admin or specified recipients whenever devices come online.
  • Notify when SIM is changed — Check this option if notifications have to be sent to admin when the Sim card of the device is changed.
  • Notify when device is rooted or SureMDM Agent has been granted with root permission.

6. Click OK to finish creating the job.

7. Once on SureMDM Home, select the device and click Apply.

8. On the Select Job(s) to apply, select the created job and click Apply

Now, based on the job applied, whenever the status of enrolled devices changes, admin and specified recipients will get notifications.

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Updated on December 2023
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