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  5. How To Activate SureLock, SureFox, And SureVideo Licenses From SureMDM

How To Activate SureLock, SureFox, And SureVideo Licenses From SureMDM

Licenses of SureMDM, 42Gears UEM solution, include access to three additional products from 42Gears: SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo. Follow the steps below to enable Android kiosk mode on your Android devices by activating these additional licenses using the SureMDM Web Console.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to activate SureLock, SureFox & SureVideo licenses from the SureMDM console.


  • The steps provided are to activate SureLock licenses. For other licenses, simply select the on-screen command that corresponds to the type of license you would like to activate.
  • Method 2 can be used for Windows devices as well, simply replace Android with Windows where necessary.
  • Activation also can be done through the script below as well as through broadcast.


Method 1: Steps to activate licenses on a single Android device.

1. Log into the SureMDM Console.

2. From the SureMDM Home, select the Android device for which licenses have to be activated.

3. Right-click on the device. Click SureLock and select Activate License. If SureLock  is not already installed on the device, you’ll instead see an Install icon.

4. Enter the Activation Code in the new window and click OK.

5. This will activate SureLock on the device. Now, the device user can access and use SureLock.

Method 2: Steps to activate licenses in-bulk on many Android devices at once.

1. Log into the SureMDM Console.

2. Click Jobs and then New Job.

3. Select the preferred Operating System as Android.

4. Select SureLock Settings.

5. Click About SureLock. Enter the Activation Code in the box provided by 42Gears Team. Click Preferred Activation ID to select IMEI or Wi-Fi MAC and click Done.

Now the About SureLock option will read as Licensed Version.

6. Save the SureLock Settings, give a name to the job and click Save. This will create the job.

7. From the SureMDM Home, select the Device Group for which the license has to be activated.

8. Click Apply to push the job to the entire group of devices at once.

Now, when each device launches SureLock, the job will apply your chosen settings to SureLock and activate the license.

Method 3: Steps to activate licenses on Android devices using Run Scripts.

1. Log into the SureMDM Console.

2. Click Jobs and then New Job.

3. Select the preferred Operating System as Android.

4. Select Run Script as the Job Type.

5. Give a name to the job, add the run script below and click Save.

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -e “command” “activate” -e “password” “0000” -e “activation_code” “xxxxxx” -e “prefered_activation_id” “0″

Note: Preferred Activation ID values are:

  • IMEI- 0
  • IMSI- 1
  • WiFi MAC- 2
  • GUID- 4

In order to apply the job to devices in bulk devices, follow Step 7 and Step 8 from Method 2.

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Updated on June 2024
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