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  5. How to add a user account on macOS devices from SureMDM

How to add a user account on macOS devices from SureMDM

Creating user accounts on business devices is necessary when more than one employee needs to access the same device. So, having multiple user accounts on a device creates an individual login experience.

Understanding the importance of the feature, the SureMDM solutions offer administrators the ability to create user accounts remotely on macOS devices.


The purpose of the article is to provide a guide detailing the step-by-step process of adding a user account on macOS devices directly from SureMDM.


  • Create User Account is supported on macOS 10.15 or later, running SureMDM Agent version 2.8.2 & above.


1. Login to the SureMDM console.

2. Navigate to the Jobs section, click on the New Job, and select the macOS platform.

3. Now, click on the User Account Management job.

4. Enter the Job Name and select the Action Type as Create User.

5. On the new window, enter the details below.

  • Job Name: Enter a job name.
  • Account Type: This is to specify the type of user. Choose between the administrator and the standard user.
  • Full Name: This specifies the full name of the user.
  • Password: Configure the account password.
  • Verify Password: Verify the account password created in the above step.
  • Password Hint: This will be displayed as the password hint in the login window.

Once the job is created, the admin can go to Home and choose the device(s) or group(s) and Apply the job.

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Updated on January 2024
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