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  5. How To Apply SureLock Configuration On Datalogic Devices?

How To Apply SureLock Configuration On Datalogic Devices?

You can lock down Datalogic devices into kiosk mode with SureLock by 42Gears. You can configure kiosk mode to match your organization’s needs on the SureMDM console, and then remotely apply this configuration (known as a “job”) to many Datalogic devices at once. 


The Datalogic Android device must be enrolled in SureMDM. 

There are two methods to create and apply SureLock settings:

1. Dynamic jobs

Dynamic jobs section provides easy-to-use quick action buttons to perform an action or assign jobs on a Datalogic device. These jobs can be deployed remotely, but must be deployed on each device individually. Select a device from the SureMDM Web Console’s Device Grid, and the dynamic jobs associated with the device platform will be displayed on the right side of the console. Select the SureLock dynamic job to push it to the device and configure the details applicable to that job.

2. Static job

Static jobs refer to jobs or actions which admins can create and remotely deploy on one or more enrolled Datalogic devices at once. The SureLock static job is located in the console’s Jobs section.

Method 1: Steps to create and apply SureLock settings from a dynamic job

1. Log in to the SureMDM console.

2. Select the enrolled device.

3. Click SureLock from the Dynamic Jobs section.

4. The SureLock Settings main page will appear; make the required changes here.

6. Once the required changes are made, select the desired option from the ones listed below: 

        a) Save as Job – To save the SureLock settings as a static job.

        b) Save as File – Download currently-made changes as a SureLock settings file.

        c) Edit XML – SureLock settings can be modified from the XML format.  

        d) Apply – To apply SureLock settings to the selected device. 

7. Click on the Apply button and click on Yes.

Note: Save as Job– After saving the SureLock settings as a Job, navigate to the SureMDM home page. Select the enrolled device and click on the Apply button. Select the saved job and apply it to the device.

Method 2: Steps to create and apply SureLock settings from a static job

Part 1: Steps to create SureLock settings from a static job.

1. Log in to the SureMDM console.

2. Navigate to the Jobs Module.

3. Click on the New Job icon.

4. Select the Android platform.

5. Click on SureLock Settings.

6. Once the required changes are made, select the desired option from the ones below: 

         a) Save – To save the SureLock settings as a static job.

         b) Save as File – Download currently-made changes as a SureLock settings file.

         c) Edit XML – SureLock settings can be modified from the XML format. 

7. Click on the Save button.

8. Enter Job name and SureLock password.

9. Click on Save.

Note: SureLock‘s password field is not supported for SureLock Versions later than 6.07.

Part 2: Steps to apply the SureLock settings from a static job.

1. Select the enrolled device.

2. Click on the Apply button.

3. Select the created SureLock Settings Job and apply it to the device.

To read more about SureMDM, click here.

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Updated on June 2021
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