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  4. How To add Apps to Blocklist Or Allowlist On Apple Watch?

How To add Apps to Blocklist Or Allowlist On Apple Watch?

Most of the iOS apps provide their companion app for Apple Watch as well. When you add an app to blocklist or Allowlist on an iOS device that the watch is synced to, the companion apps gets added to blocklisted or allowlisted on the watch as well. When you blocklist an app, the app will not be visible on the screen.

Setps to blocklist/allowlist apps on an Apple Watch

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Click Profile.

3. On the Profile screen, select iOS tab and click.

4. On the iOS MDM Profile screen, click Blocklist/Allowlist Apps and then select either Blocklist App Configure/Allowlist App Configure.

  • Blocklist App will blocklist the selected app/s. This feature is helpful if you have selected a few apps to be unavailable on the user’s iOS device or Apple Watch.
  • Allowlist App will add the selected apps to Allowlist. This feature is helpful if you want to allow only a few selected apps on the user’s iOS device or Apple Watch.

5. Name the profile, click Add to launch Application List.

6. Use the dropdown menu to select the app from to blocklist or Allowlist and click Add.

7. Click on Save to complete.

8. Go back to Home, select the iOS device and click Apply.

9. Select the created profile and click Apply.

Once the profile is applied to the device, the synced Apple Watch will also refresh with only apps added to the allowlist.

To learn more such 42Gears SureMDM features for iOS devices, click here.

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Updated on June 2021
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