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  5. How to block USB ports on macOS devices to prevent users from transferring files using USB devices

How to block USB ports on macOS devices to prevent users from transferring files using USB devices

Admins can now block USB ports on macOS devices to prevent users from transferring files using USB devices.


The purpose of the article is to provide a guide on how to block USB ports on macOS devices to prevent users from transferring files using USB devices.




  1. Login to the SureMDM console using credentials.
  2. Navigate to Profiles.
  3. Select macOS as the operating system and create or modify an existing profile.
  4. Configure the Restriction Profile and navigate to the Media page.
  5. Under Hard Disk Media Access, uncheck all the below options to restrict USB ports.
  1. Save the changes and deploy the profile.
  2. If any device is connected to the device end, the above option would be restricted for the user to read the USB device for example, a pendrive, etc.


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Updated on March 2024
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