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  5. How to check the Bitlocker encryption status and get the recovery password on the console and on the Device end

How to check the Bitlocker encryption status and get the recovery password on the console and on the Device end

BitLocker Drive Encryption, or BitLocker, is a Microsoft Windows security and encryption feature that is included with certain newer versions of Windows. BitLocker enables users to encrypt everything on the drive Windows is installed on, protecting that data from theft or unauthorized access.


The purpose of this knowledge base article is to provide a guide on how to check the Bitlocker encryption status and get the recovery password on the console and on the console.


  • Encryption Status is supported only from SureMDM Agent version > 4.67.
  • TPM version 1.2 or higher.


Step 1: To verify the encryption status on the device end

Users or IT admins can now run a command on their machines to track the progress of encryption. For the same, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the command prompt as Administrator.
  2. Execute the below command on the target machine.
manage-bde -status C:

Step 2: To verify the recovery ID and password on the device end

IT admins can verify the Bitlocker recovery ID and password for Windows machines using the below command. For the same, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the command prompt as Administrator.
  2. Execute the below command on the target machine:
manage-bde -protectors C: -get


  • For the above commands to work, the command prompt should be run as an administrator on the device.
  • ‘C’ refers to the primary hard drive, which is being encrypted with Bitlocker.

Step 3: To verify the encryption status, recovery ID and password on the console

  1. Log in to the SureMDM console.
  2. Choose the device and click on the three dots (More option).
  3. Click on BitLocker Encryption Status.
  • Before Bitlocker Encryption:
  • After Bitlocker Encryption:

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Updated on February 2024
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