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  5. How to configure a restriction message in a profile

How to configure a restriction message in a profile

System Settings allows admins to set policies to enable or disable certain system settings, like USB debugging, installing from unknown sources, and more, on enrolled devices for enterprise devices (BYOD/Dedicated Devices). With the restriction message settings in Profile, we provide an option to the admin where they can show a short restriction message or a long administrator message to the end-user.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to configure a restriction message in a profile.


  • This feature is applicable on Device Owner enrolled devices.


  1. Navigate to SureMDM Console.
  2. Go to Profiles, select the OS as Android and click on Add.
  3. Select the System Settings and click on Message.

Short Restriction Message: To provide an option to the admin where they can show a short message to the end-user wherever there is restriction or blocked functionality. A message is displayed to the user on the settings screen wherever functionality has been disabled by the admin.

Long Restriction Message: An admin can show a long message to the end-user in the device administrator’s settings screen. A message is displayed to the user on the device administrator settings screen.

2. Enter a Profile Name and save the profile 

3. Go back to the Home tab and select Android device(s) or group(s).

4. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

5. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the profile and click Apply.

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Updated on March 2024
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