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  4. How To Configure And Install OEMConfig Apps On Android Devices Using SureMDM?

How To Configure And Install OEMConfig Apps On Android Devices Using SureMDM?

SureMDM supports configuration and remote installation of pre-configured OEMConfig apps from various OEMs right from a centralized web console. 

Steps to configure and install OEMConfig apps on Android devices using SureMDM

Note: To use OEMConfig in SureMDM, Android Enterprise should be enabled. Learn how to enable Android Enterprise in SureMDM Web Console here.

1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home, click Profiles.

3. On the Profiles screen, select the Android tab, and click Add.

4. Under the Android Profile tab, select Application Policy, and click Configure.

5. Name the profile and click Add.

6. On the Select Application Source prompt, click Play For Work.

7. On the Android Enterprise Apps prompt, search for the OEMConfig app (like Zebra OEMConfig or Datalogic OEMConfig).

8. Click on the desired OEMConfig app and click Select.

9. Under Managed configuration, name the configuration and specify the configurations.

Example: the Scanner Options in DataLogic OEMConfig allow you to restrict reading to a specified section by using the Enable Picklist option, or choose a colour for highlighting a particular section.

10. Click Save to save the configuration.

11. On the Play Store Application Policy prompt, specify other settings (listed below) and click Next.

  • Pinning App – Pin the app on the device screen so that the user does not have access to any other device functionalities or features except the app that is pinned.
  • Install Silently -Installed apps on the device remotely without involving the  the device user.
  • Allow In Kiosk Mode – Run the application in kiosk mode with no access to other functions on the device.

12. Next, grant or deny App Permissions to the app and click Finish.

13. Once back on the Android Profile screen, click Save to complete the steps to create an Application policy with configured OEMConfig.

14. Go back to SureMDM Home, select the desired device(s) or group(s) and click Apply  to apply this profile.

Once this is done, the pushed changes will start reflecting on the device.

To explore more such features in SureMDM, click here.

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Updated on June 2021
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