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  5. How to configure permissions for Device Group Set in SureMDM
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  4. How to configure permissions for Device Group Set in SureMDM

How to configure permissions for Device Group Set in SureMDM

SureMDM allows the Admin user to grant limited access to the users in terms of Device Groups. The said users will have access to manage only specific Groups and sub-groups. Every time the restricted user logs in using their login credentials, they will have access- visible and otherwise, to only the specified group(s) and therefore subgroups(s).


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to configure permissions for Device Group Set in SureMDM.




  1. Navigate to the SureMDM Web Console > Settings (Icon located on the top right of the console) 
  2. Click on  User Management.
  3. In the User Management Screen, select Device Group Set tab and click on +Add.
  1. In the Device Group Prompt,
  • Enter the Name and Description.
  • Deselect the Group(s) that must be hidden from the user.
  • Enable the Automatically Allow New Groups Added in Future to allow the Admin user to view the groups that will be added in the future. 
  • Click Save.
  1. The newly created Groups will be listed under User management > Device Group Set.

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Updated on April 2023
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