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  3. How to configuring Secure Guest Network Authentication on SureLock-Enabled Devices Using the WiFi Center Plugin

How to configuring Secure Guest Network Authentication on SureLock-Enabled Devices Using the WiFi Center Plugin

A secure guest network provides internet access to visitors while ensuring the protection of internal resources. This article focuses on configuring guest WiFi with authentication enabled, requiring users to log in via a captive portal. By leveraging the WiFi Center plugin on SureLock-enabled devices, organizations can enforce controlled access while maintaining network security.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a step-by-step guide for Configuring Secured Guest Network Authentication on SureLock-enabled Devices via WiFi center plugin.


1. A SureLock enabled device.
2. Access to the WiFi Center plugin on the SureLock.

Steps to Configure Guest Network Authentication

1. Launch SureLock on the Device.
2. Open the WiFi Center.
3. Click on Settings(Gear icon) on the Top Right corner of the WiFi Center.

    4. Enter the Password, the default password of the WiFi center settings is 0000.

    The Admin will have the privilege to change the WiFi center password by following the below steps.

    • Click on the Top gear icon within the WiFi center.
    • Enter the default password 0000, and click on Ok.
    • Click on Change password.
    • Enter the Old password,  enter the New Password, and confirm the new password.
    • Click on Ok.

    5. Enable “Launch Webpage When Connected to Open Network”.

    6. Click on the Webpage URL and enter the following Captive Portal URL http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204
    This URL is used as a trigger to launch the authentication page while connecting to any Guest Network.

    7. Return to the WiFi Center and connect to the desired guest network.
    8. Upon connection, verify that the device redirects you to the login or credential entry page for the guest network.

    If you have any questions or need help with our products, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.


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    Updated on January 2025
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