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  5. How to counter when SureLock asks for launcher permissions after every reboot on an Android device

How to counter when SureLock asks for launcher permissions after every reboot on an Android device

Sometimes, while setting SureLock as a default launcher on an Android device, despite giving all the permissions and installing it in the primary storage of the device, SureLock ends up losing the launcher permissions granted to it on the device. This means that after every reboot, there will be a prompt asking the end-user to choose the launcher, which hampers the productivity of the resource.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to counter when SureLock asks for launcher permissions after every reboot on an Android device.




  1. After careful analysis, we noticed that this happens if there is a third-party launcher application installed on the device which is interfering with the permissions granted to SureLock. 
  2. Admins can verify this by uninstalling SureLock on the device and installing any third-party launcher. Once the third-party launcher application is installed on the device, set it as a launcher and reboot the device.
  3. If there is a launcher pop-up after reboot, this means that there is a malicious third- party launcher application installed on the device that is intervening with the permissions of the device.
  4. If this behavior is noticed on a device, then it’s best if the admin narrows down on the malicious launcher application on the device and uninstalls it. And if the admin is unable to determine the third-party application, then factory resetting the device should help.

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Updated on October 2023
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