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  5. How To Create Device Filter Devices On SureMDM?
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  4. How To Create Device Filter Devices On SureMDM?

How To Create Device Filter Devices On SureMDM?

Use SureMDM’s Filter feature to quickly sort devices based on many criteria, including status, device name or model name, IP address, and more.

Note: Once a user selects the Filter option, SureMDM automatically switches to Advanced search feature.

Steps to add a filter in SureMDM

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Click Filter.

3. Click the add icon (+) icon to add a new filter.

4. Specify the criteria by which to sort.

5. Click Save Filter.

6. Specify the filter’s name and click OK to complete.

Steps to update filter (Update existing filters to add or remove necessary column inputs)

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Click Filter.

3. Select the filter you want to edit.

4. Change the filter criteria by adding, removing, or updating columns.

5. Click Update Filter.

6. Click OK to complete.

Steps to delete a filter in SureMDM

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Click Filter.

3. Select the Filter to be deleted and click the delete icon (-).

4. Confirm the deletion request.

Speed up your work with advanced filtering in SureMDM. Visit this page to learn more and try a free trial.

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Updated on June 2021
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