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  4. How To Create Geofence On Windows Devices?

How To Create Geofence On Windows Devices?

SureMDM provides the option to set up a geofence on Windows devices, drawing a virtual boundary to activate restriction-based policies when a device enters or exits a specified location.

Note: Location services must be activated on the device for Geofencing to work.

Steps to setup Geofencing using SureMDM on Windows Devices

1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On the SureMDM Home page, click Jobs.

3. Click New Jobs and select Windows.

4. Select Geo Fence.

5.  On the Select Fence tab, go to a specific location to select a specific address.

6. Click the Draw a circle option, place the cursor at the center of the location, and then click and move the cursor until it covers the desired area. Click again to set the boundary. Name the geofence and click Save.

The newly created fence will show up under Fence Details.

7. Go to the Fence Entered tab. Click Add to select a job that will be activated on the device when it enters the fenced area.

8. Select the alert type.

9. Go to the Fence Exited tab. Click Add to select a job that will be activated on the device when it exits the fenced area. Click Save on the top right corner.

10. On the Job Details prompt, give a name to the job and click Save.

11. Return to the SureMDM Home page, select the device from the device list (or select a group) and click Apply.

12. Select the Geofencing job created earlier and click Apply.

The selected jobs will be activated on the devices as they enter and exit the fenced area.

Click here to learn more about other SureMDM features.

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Updated on March 2025
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