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  5. How to create shortcuts to files (pictures, PDFs, Videos, Music) in SureLock?

How to create shortcuts to files (pictures, PDFs, Videos, Music) in SureLock?

SureLock allows you to add shortcuts of your Images, PDFs, Videos, Music files on the SureLock Home Screen along with device applications. It requires you to first enable shortcuts feature in SureLock and then add shortcuts of files on SureLock Home Screen.

To enable Shortcuts in SureLock, follow below mentioned steps:

1. Login to SureLock’s Admin Settings

2. Tap on Manage Shortcuts 

3. Under Manage Shortcutstap and check Accept New Shortcuts

4. Tap on Done

There are two methods of adding shortcuts of files on SureLock Home Screen:


1. Login to SureLock‘s Admin Settings

2.  Tap on Manage Shortcuts

3.  Under Manage Shortcutstap and check Accept New Shortcuts

4.  Exit SureLock and return to Device Home

5.  Browse the device files with a File Browser (eg. ES File ExplorerAstro File Manageretc.) and create shortcuts of the files you wish to allow on the SureLock Home Screen

6.  If the shortcut requires a particular supporting application to run or to function then the application should also be allowed as an Allowed Application and can be hidden using Allowed Application’s Hide Icon in Home Screen option.

Example: If you have added a PDF file’s shortcut then you should also allow a PDF Reader as an allowed application and can be hidden in the SureLock Home Screen.

7.  The Shortcuts are automatically imported to the SureLock Home Screen

8.  Go to Manage Shortcuts and uncheck Accept New Shortcuts to avoid further import of Shortcuts from the device

Note:  – Unwanted shortcuts can then be removed using the Remove option from Manage Shortcuts settings


1Login to SureLock‘s Admin Settings

2Tap on Manage Shortcuts

3. Under Manage Shortcutstap and check Accept New Shortcuts

4. Tap on Done and go to Allowed Applications

5. On Allowed Applicationsadd File Explorer (eg. ES File ExplorerAstro File Manageretc.) as one of the allowed applications

6. Return to SureLock Home Screen and open the File Explorer

7Browse through the files using the allowed File Browser and create shortcuts of desired files on the device

8.  If the shortcut requires a particular supporting application to run or to function then the application should also be allowed as an Allowed Application and can be hidden using Allowed Application’s Hide Icon inHome Screen option.

Example: If you have added a PDF file’s shortcut then you should also allow a PDF Reader as an allowed application and can be hidden in the SureLock Home Screen.

9. Once done creating shortcuts, remove ES File Explorer from Allowed Applications‘s Remove option

10. Go to Manage Shortcuts and uncheck Accept New Shortcuts to avoid further import of Shortcuts from the device

For Free Trial for Android devices, click here 

To Know more about SureLock, visit https://www.42gears.com/surelock/.

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Updated on June 2021
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