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  5. How To Decommission an Android Enterprise Enrolled Device From SureMDM

How To Decommission an Android Enterprise Enrolled Device From SureMDM

It is necessary for an admin to decommission or completely remove an Android device from the SureMDM that is enrolled using Android Enterprise for many reasons. For example, the device is no more needed in the project. Such devices needed to be factory reset to ensure that the SureMDM agent settings and all the configurations/restrictions are wiped before deleting the same from the SureMDM console.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to entirely deregister an Android device from the SureMDM that is enrolled using Android Enterprise.


The admin can initiate the device wipe using 2 methods.

  • Using dynamic Wipe Device Action.
  • Using Remote Data Wipe Job.


Step 1. Dynamic Wipe Job

  1. Select the online device from the console and click on More (vertical dots) button to see all the dynamic Jobs.
  2. Choose the Wipe Device Action.
  1. Once the wipe is complete, the admin can delete the device from the console.

Step 2. Remote Data Wipe Job

  1. On the SureMDM console, go to Jobs.
  2. Select New Job and choose Android platform.
  3. Select Remote Data Wipe Job.
  4. Enter the Job name.
  5. Enable Wipe All Data option.
  6. Click OK to save the Job.
  1. Navigate back to the SureMDM home and select the device.
  2. Click Apply and select the Job.
  3. Click Apply.

This will completely remove an Android device from the SureMDM that is enrolled using Android Enterprise.

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Updated on March 2023
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