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  5. How To Deregister An Android Device From SureMDM

How To Deregister An Android Device From SureMDM

Users can now free up the device license from the device end by simply deregistering the SureMDM Agent on the device which will remove the device from the SureMDM console. 


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to deregister an Android device from SureMDM Agent.


  • Deregistering will only remove the device and not all the configurations that have been configured on the device.
  • This method will also be useful when an Admin wants to move or enroll the same device to a new SureMDM console.


  1. Launch the SureMDM Agent on the Device end.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click Deregister SureMDM Agent.
  4. Confirm the de-registration with the YES option.
  1. The device will be completely removed from the SureMDM console.

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Updated on March 2023
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