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  5. How to disable the end user from modifying the device wallpaper

How to disable the end user from modifying the device wallpaper

In today’s digital age, personal electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers have become an integral part of our daily lives. These devices not only serve as tools for communication and productivity but also provide a means of personal expression.

 One aspect of personalization that users often enjoy is the ability to customize their device’s wallpaper or background image. While personalization is important, there are instances where it becomes necessary to disable end users from modifying the device wallpaper. This need arises in various contexts, ranging from corporate environments to educational institutions, where maintaining a standardized and controlled user experience is paramount.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to disable the end user from modifying the device wallpaper.


  • The feature is available presently only for Android devices with OS 7 onward.
  • Enrollment Methods: Device Owner (DO)


  1. Login to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the Profiles section and choose the Android platform.
  3. Click Add and select the System Settings tab.
  4. Click on Configure.
  1. Navigate to or search for the option Disable Wallpaper and enable the same.
  1. Save the profile.
  2. On the Home screen, select the device and apply the profile created or modified above.
  3. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the profile and click Apply.

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Updated on July 2023
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