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  4. How to display group path within the SureMDM Agent home screen and in SureLock

How to display group path within the SureMDM Agent home screen and in SureLock

Users now have the ability to view the current group path directly within the SureMDM Agent’s home screen and settings.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to display group path within the SureMDM Agent home screen and in SureLock.


  • This feature is supported on all enrollments and device types.


Currently, there is no way to find out from the SureMDM Agent’s side which group a particular device is enrolled in. The users wanted this to be mentioned on the SureMDM Agent Home screen, right under Device Name, and also broadcast on the SureLock Title bar.

Considering the purpose, the SureMDM Agent is now provided with a new option to display the “Group Name” on the SureMDM Agent Home Screen and the “Group Path” in SureMDM Agent Settings > Group Path.

To display group path in SureLock, please follow the below steps:

  1. Install and launch SureLock.
  2. Access SureLock Admin Settings.
  3. In the Admin Settings screen, tap on SureLock Settings.
  4. Go to Title Bar Settings and check the Show Title Bar option.
  5. Further, tap on Text and add the below wildcard to display the SureMDM device group path.


5. Click Done to save the configuration changes.

 After applying the same at the device end, the output appears as seen in the below screenshot.

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Updated on June 2023
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