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  5. How to downgrade the OS on Zebra devices.
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  4. How to downgrade the OS on Zebra devices.

How to downgrade the OS on Zebra devices.

Yes, Zebra allows its users to downgrade the OS on their Zebra devices. SureMDM can help the users do this remotely.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to downgrade the OS on Zebra devices using SureMDM.


Admin will need an image of the OS to which he wants the device OS to be downgraded. This image can be obtained from Zebra, based on the OS model of the device. Ensure that this image is in .zip format.
Once the image is available, please use the below steps to achieve the requirement.


  1. Log into SureMDM and create a File Transfer job to save the OS image (.zip file) in the SD card of the device.
  2. Create a Runscript job in SureMDM with the scripts mentioned below based on the current OS of the device.

    a. Downgrading OS from Nougat to below OS versions.
am broadcast -a com.gears42.enterpriseagent.zebra_sdk -e script zebra(<wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic version='7.1' type='PowerMgr'><parm name='ResetAction' value='8' /><characteristic type='file-details'><parm name='ZipFile' value='path_of_the_file' /></characteristic></characteristic></wap-provisioningdoc>)

Note: Please change the pathname in the script above to ensure it is pointed to the location of the OS image saved on the device.
For example/storage/emulated/0/OSBuild.zip

b. Downgrading OS from Oreo to below OS versions.

am broadcast -a com.gears42.enterpriseagent.zebra_sdk -e script zebra(<wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic version='8.1' type='PowerMgr'><parm name='ResetAction' value='11' /><characteristic type='file-details'><parm name='ZipFile' value='/storage/emulated/0/AT_NG_FPU_GMS_49.00.zip' /></characteristic></characteristic></wap-provisioningdoc>)

Note: Please change the pathname in the script above to ensure it is pointed to the location of the OS image saved on the device.
For example/storage/emulated/0/OSBuild.zip

Once done, push these jobs to the devices and the OS of the device would be downgraded once the job is completed.

Using SureMDM you can also upgrade the OS of the devices if the OS of the device is Marshmallow or above.

Below are the steps to do the same.

  1. Log into SureMDM and create a File Transfer job to save the OS image (.zip file) in the SD card of the device.
  2. Create a Runscript job in SureMDM with the scripts mentioned below.
am broadcast -a com.gears42.enterpriseagent.zebra_sdk -e script zebra(<wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic version='4.2' type='PowerMgr'><parm name='ResetAction' value='8' /><characteristic type='file-details'><parm name='ZipFile' value='path_of_the_file' /></characteristic></characteristic></wap-provisioningdoc>)

Note: Please change the pathname in the script above to ensure it is pointed to the location of the OS image saved on the device.
For example/storage/emulated/0/OSBuild.zip

Once done, push these jobs to the devices and the OS of the device would be upgraded once the job is completed.

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Updated on March 2025
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