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  5. How to enable Battery and Connection Alerts on Android Devices using SureMDM

How to enable Battery and Connection Alerts on Android Devices using SureMDM

It is often desired that you want to know if the devices managed with SureMDM have not been online for a specific time or if your field device’s battery power has gone below the recommended threshold.

With SureMDM, you can create a Notification Policy Job for your Android devices. Once this job is applied to the device, you will automatically get alerts and emails whenever the enrolled device is not connected to a network for a specified time or whenever the device’s battery power is lower than the threshold percentage.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to enable battery and connection alerts on Android Devices using SureMDM.




1. Login to SureMDM Console.

2. Click on Jobs > New Job. Further, select the OS as Android and click on Notification Policy.

4. On the Notification Policy on device prompt, enter Job Name.

5. Tap on Enable Battery Policy to select it and scroll the battery percentage bar to set the value of the threshold battery percentage. 

Note : You can also select the battery charging status as Plugged or Unplugged to be specified in the notification sent from SureMDM.

6. Tap on Enable Connection Policy to select it and enter a value in Notify When Device Is Not Connected For  field.

7. Go to “Send Alert To” option and select from the following options:

  • SureMDM Web Console : Displays the alert on SureMDM console. 
  • Device : Sends a notification to the SureMDM agent on the device.
  • Email Notification : Sends email notifications. (separated by comma if there are multiple email IDs)
  • SMS : Sends an SMS to a specific phone number.
  • Webhook : Sends notifications to webhooks

8. Click on OK to complete.

9. Once done, select the device from the Device List and use the Apply option on the Quick Toolbar to select and apply the Job.

There are other alerts that you can choose from the list in notification policy to be notified about devices using SureMDM:

  1. Enable Data Usage – Notifies when the data usage is higher than the set threshold.
  2. Notify when the device comes online – Notifies when offline devices come online.
  3. Notify when the Sim is changed – Notifies when users change the sim card of the device.
  4. Notify when the device is rooted or SureMDM Agent has been granted with root permission – Notifies when the device is rooted or SureMDM Agent has been granted with root permission.

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Updated on December 2023
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