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  5. How to enable or disable the Power Saver Mode option on Android and Samsung Devices

How to enable or disable the Power Saver Mode option on Android and Samsung Devices

Power saving mode is useful when a user wants to extend the battery life of their Mobile devices by disabling features and limiting the CPU usage of the device. However, while using lockdown and management apps, there are chances that this feature might meddle with the working systems of these apps.

Using SureMDM, the admin can enable or disable the power saver mode on Android Samsung devices.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to enable or disable the Power Saver Mode option on Android and Samsung Devices.




  1. Log into the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the Jobs and create a New Job.
  3. Select OS as Android and click on Run Script.
  1. Create a Run Script job with the below-mentioned commands and click on Save.
  • Run Script command to enable or disable Power Saver Mode.



  • Using True in the run script, the admin will be able to enable the Power Saver Mode.
  • Using False in the run script, the admin will be able to disable the Power Saver Mode.

   The newly created job will be listed in the Jobs List section.

5.  Go back to the Home tab and select the Android device(s) or group(s).

6.  Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

7.  In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

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Updated on November 2023
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