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  4. How to enroll a Work Profile on Company Owned (WPCO/COPE) to the SureMDM console

How to enroll a Work Profile on Company Owned (WPCO/COPE) to the SureMDM console

According to the WPCO (Work Profile on Company Owned) business model, a company gives its employees gadgets and permits them to use them for personal usage. A versatile and practical solution is offered by the integration of SureMDM with Android Enterprise to permit personal use on company-owned devices.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to enroll a work profile on Company Owned (WPCO/COPE) to the SureMDM console.


  • This enrollment method will be supported only on Android 12 and above devices.


Step 1: Enroll a SureMDM Account with Android Enterprise (WPCO-Gmail Account)

To enroll SureMDM account with Android Enterprise, follow these steps:

  1. On the SureMDM Web Console, navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Android Management > Android Enterprise Enrollment.
  2. On the Android Enterprise Enrollment prompt, click Enroll Android Enterprise.

3. Select the Google Play EMM API.

4. Select Enroll Using Your Gmail Account and click Enroll.

5. On the Google Play page, click Get Started to login with the Gmail account.

6. Enter the organization’s name in the Business Name field and click Next.

  1. Enter EU Representative details: Name, Email, and Phone. Select the Terms and Conditions checkbox and click Confirm.

Upon successful completion of the Android Enterprise setup, a pop-up will be displayed.

  1. Select Finish Registration

The following choices are accessible once Android Enterprise has been enrolled in the SureMDM account under Account Settings > Android Management > Android Enterprise Enrollment.

  • Store Layout: The Admin can use the basic layout or create a new page to display all enterprise-approved apps.
  • Application Licenses: This option provides a summary of your application licenses.
  • Zero-touch iframe: This option allows you to set up your devices using zero-touch accounts.
  • Unenroll: Allows you to Unenroll your existing Google Managed Domain.

Step 2 : Configure SureMDM Agent with Android Enterprise (WPCO-Gmail Account)

i) Using QR code 

Please follow the below-mentioned steps to enroll the device via QR Code.

a. On the SureMDM web console,

  1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console and click on the Enrollment option.
  2. Click on ListView and select the Create QR Code option.
  3. In the Setup QR Code for Enrollment prompt, enter the below details.
  4. Enter Name, select Platform as Android, and select Android Enterprise Enrollment as Enrollment Type.

5. Select Fully managed device with a work profile (WPCO) from the drop-down menu.

NOTE: In addition to the above configurations, admins can configure groups, Device names, Enter WiFi SSIDs, provisioning settings, etc.

6. Navigate to Save QR Code and click on the Save option.

b.On the device,

  • Factory reset the device and power it on. On the Language screen, tap six times.

This will launch the QR code reader. Scan the QR code created on the SureMDM console using the above steps.

  • Once the QR code is read, Work profile enrollment will be initiated. Complete the Wizards for setting up the device, and the device will be enrolled in SureMDM in COPE or WPCO enrollment.

ii. Using Device Policy Controller ID (afw#suremdm)

Note: If an existing device is being enrolled as a Work Profile Managed Device, it has to be factory reset.

1.Take a new device or factory reset the existing device.

2. On the Language page, select the desired Language and tap Start.

  1. Connect the device to the Wi-Fi network.

4. Next, on the Add Your Account screen, enter Email as afw#sureMDM and tap Next.

5. Install SureMDM Agent as prompted on the Android Enterprise screen.

  1. In the Let’s set up your work device screen, click on Accept and Continue after reading the terms.
  2. Complete the other setup Wizard on the device. Once the device is set up, launch the SureMDM Agent on the device.
  3. Click Get Started and configure the SureMDM Agent as below.

9. The SureMDM agent will request a set of system permissions before proceeding with the configurations. Please grant the permissions to help the app work fully on the device. Further, click Continue.

10. You will be navigated to the Enrollment page. Enter the below details.

  1. Select Work profile managed device in the prompt.
  1. Using the first approach, you can manually enter the SureMDM Account ID and Configure the device name using the below three options. Tap Set Device Name to set the name of the device to be displayed on the SureMDM web console.
  • Set Device Name Manually: You can manually set the name of each device.
  • Use MAC Address: The SureMDM Agent will consider the MAC address of the device.
  • Use the system-generated name: The SureMDM Agent will consider the name generated by the SureMDM web console.

13. Once the enrollment is completed, the device screen will show the Device name and status as Online.

  1. On the device side, a Work Container will be created, and the SureMDM Agent will be visible in the workspace with the container symbol.
  2. The device will be enrolled in the SureMDM console as a Work Profile.

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Updated on July 2023
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