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  5. How to gather SureLock troubleshooting files on Windows 7/8/10 devices

How to gather SureLock troubleshooting files on Windows 7/8/10 devices

To speed up the process of troubleshooting when an issue is reported with products, the 42Gears Technical team will need access to a few basic details, such as settings files and log files that have been integrated into our products.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to gather SureLock troubleshooting files on Windows 7/8/10 devices.




For SureLock running on Windows devices (7, 8, 10), below is the default location of these files.

  • SureLock log files: Go to C:\ drive and you will find a folder named SureLock_Diagnosticlog.txt and SureLock_Serviceslog.txt.
  • SureLock settings file: Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\42Gears\SureLock folder\SureLock settings

Note: Ensure that you reproduce the issue before gathering the troubleshooting files, and note down the timestamp of when exactly the issue was reproduced. This will help the team assist you better.

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Updated on November 2023
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