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How to generate SureMDM File Store Analytics?

SureMDM offers its own local file store. Admins might expect to get a report on whether the files are being really downloaded on the target devices. It will be difficult for the admins to check status of the files on each device manually. SureMDM file store analytics data will help overcome the same. Follow the below mentioned steps to create and run File store analytics.

A. Steps to Enable Data Analytics and create a File Store Analytics.

1. Login to SureMDM account and navigate to Settings > Account Settings > Data Analytics.

2. Select “Enable Data Analytics” to configure analytics settings.

3. Click on “Add Analytics”.

i. Enter a name in the “Analytics Name” field.

ii. Enter a “file_name” text in the Tag Name field.

iii. Click on “Add Fields” and select the desired Field Name, Field Type as per the below list and click “Add”.

Field Name : “file_downloaded”, Type: “string”, Enum: Unchecked
Field Name : “file_viewed”, Type: “string”, Enum: Unchecked
Field Name : “file_updated_time”, Type: “string”, Enum: Unchecked

Note : Tag Name and Field Names should be entered exactly, otherwise the report will not be generated properly.

4. Click “Save” and then “Apply”.

5. Once analytics is successfully saved, click on “Show” to reveal the Secret Key and note the same for later.
B. Create run script to enable the File Store Analytics
1. Go to Jobs > New Job > Android > Runscript Job.


Note: Enter the secret key for File Store Analytics found under Account Settings > Data Analytics. Interval should be >= 60 minutes


2. To disable the File Store Analytics below runscript can be used.

C. Setup a custom report for the File Store Analytics
1. Go to Reports > Custom Report.

2. Search for the File Store Analytics name created in step (A)(3)(i)

3. Add all the fields to the selection list and save the report.
D. Generate ON-Demand reports.
1. Now go to On Demand Reports > search the custom report created in step#C and hit generate.

2. Click on “View” to download\View the generated reports.

To know more about SureMDM or signup for a trial, click here

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Updated on November 2021
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