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  4. How To Monitor And Limit Data Usage On iPhones and iPads?
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  4. How To Monitor And Limit Data Usage On iPhones and iPads?

How To Monitor And Limit Data Usage On iPhones and iPads?

With SureMDM, IT Admins can create different levels of Data Usage thresholds and define consequent actions. For example, you can set up two Data Usage thresholds for users per day; 5 MB and 10 MB, and specify to get an email alert when the first threshold of 5MB is reached and block data completely when the second threshold of 10MB is reached. This offers a very flexible and convenient way to monitor data usage for a specific time period without interfering with device settings and overall native experience.

Steps to create Data Usage Policy

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. On SureMDM Home, click Jobs.

3. On the Jobs screen, click New.

4. On the Select Operating System screen, click iOS.

5. On the Create Job screen, click Data Usage Policy.

6. On the Data Usage Policy prompt, gave a name to the job and enter following details:

  • Configure Billing Cycle – Monthly/Weekly/Daily/Custom
  • Limit 1 Threshold in MB/GB
  • Action – Send MDM Alert/Send Email Alert/Apply Profile/Block Data
  • Limit 2 Threshold in MB/GB
  • Action – Send MDM Alert/Send Email Alert/Apply Profile/Block Data

6. Click Save to complete.

7. Go back to SureMDM Home, select the desired iOS device and click Apply.

8. On the Apply Job To Device screen, select the Data Usage job which was created and click Apply.

Note: Data blocking on iOS devices using Data Usage Policy profile becomes effective only after 24 hours after the job is applied.

Once Data Usage Policy job is successfully applied, you can be assured that excessive data usage is not only monitored but is proactively avoided. Data Usage Policy feature is also available for Android devices, you can learn about it here.

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Updated on June 2021
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