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  4. How to perform iOS debugging on an AstroFarm device?

How to perform iOS debugging on an AstroFarm device?

Sometimes device debugging is very required when there are some configurations that need to be verified to make sure things run smoothly.


  • AstroFarm console version must be 0.45.25 or higher
  • Contributor machine must have AstroFarm mac Agent version 0.42.16 or higher installed


  • Login to the AstroFarm account
  • Take Remote of an iOS device from the device list.
  • Further, inside the device control page, copy the Remote debug URL of the specific iOS device from the right section.
  • Launch AstroFarm mac Agent on a mac device which you want to do iOS debugging.
  • Click on Start Remote Debugging button on mac Agent.
  • Enter the copied Remote debug URL from the console, inside the Enter remote debug string box.

Once the remote device is connected, users can use it from Xcode and perform needed remote operations on the new device made available via AstroFarm.

Once the use of the remote device is completed, the user can again navigate to macOS Agent and click on ‘Stop Remote Debugging’ to disconnect the remote connection with the device.

Note: If the device is connected for the first time, it might take little time to connect depending on network speed to reflect on Xcode.

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Updated on July 2022
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