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  4. How To Remotely Manage Applications On Google Wear OS?

How To Remotely Manage Applications On Google Wear OS?

SureMDM enables enterprises to mass-deploy Google Wear OS apps on wearable devices, and remotely install, uninstall, or update apps.

Steps to manage Wear OS devices with SureMDM

1. Install the SureMDM app (also known as SureMDM Agent) on the Wear OS device from the Google Play Store.

2. Launch the SureMDM Agent app, tap on Settings, enter Account ID and check the Enable SureMDM Agent Services option.

3. Once configured, ADB debugging has to be enabled.  

To enable ADB debugging, go to Device Settings > System >  About > Build Number multiple times (5 times).

4. Now the Developer option will be available on the main settings page.

5. Go to the Developer option > Enable ADB debugging > Enable Debug over Wi-Fi.

6. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

7. Click Jobs and then create a new job.

8. Select Android Wear as the operating system.

9. Click Run Script job.

10. On the Run Script prompt, add the appropriate Run Script from the following and Save the job.

Run Script for application installation:

curl -O -L https://mars.astrouploads.com/support/inout/Wearable/surelockwear.apk
adb -s $$destination$$ install surelockwear.apk

Run Script for application uninstallation:

adb -s $$destination$$ uninstall <Package Name>

Run script for application Updates:

curl -O -L https://mars.astrouploads.com/support/inout/Wearable/surelockwear.apk
adb -s $$destination$$ install -r surelockwear.apk

Note: To remotely install or update an app, upload the apk file on a server and use the link in the corresponding Run Script.

For a list of run scripts for Wear OS, click here.

11. Go to the SureMDM Home page, select the smartwatch from the devices list and click Apply.

12. Select the job you just created and click Apply.

Note: The User must select the Always allow from this computer option in order for remote management to be possible.

To allow debugging, re-apply the same job using the SureMDM web console.

Note: Installing 5 MB apps may take at least 10 minutes.

42Gears offers robust wearable management solutions which enable businesses to remotely manage apps on smartwatches. Try SureMDM, 42Gears’ Wearable Management Solution, for free.

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Updated on May 2023
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