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  5. How to restrict the use of the iTunes Store on an iPhone using SureMDM

How to restrict the use of the iTunes Store on an iPhone using SureMDM

The iTunes Store allows users to purchase and download items directly to portable Apple devices, such as the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and iPod Touch. Apple offers three apps, each of which provides access to certain types of content.

  • The App Store app sells apps for iOS and also provides updates to these apps.
  • The iTunes Store app sells music and videos.
  • The iBooks app sells ebooks.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to restrict the use of the iTunes Store on an iPhone using SureMDM.


  • An iOS 13 or later device and requires supervision.


  1. Login to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to the App Store if the iTunes Store application is not available.
  3. Select search from the App Store and add the iTunes Store application.
  1. Navigate to the Profiles section.
  2. Click on iOS or iPad OS and select Add.
  3. Navigate to the Restriction Profile and click on Configure.
  4. Select the Apps tab and then toggle off the use of iTunes Store.
  1. Enter a profile name and click Save. The newly created profile will be listed in the Profiles section.
  2. Navigate to Home and select the devices where you want to implement the configurations.
  3. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.
  4. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the created job and click Apply.

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Updated on July 2023
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