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  5. How to see the MacOS encryption key in the SureMDM console after the encryption

How to see the MacOS encryption key in the SureMDM console after the encryption

Encrypting the MacOS machines is a necessary task to keep the data safe and secure. The administrator can do this job for any organization. But it will be a tedious task for them to handle when the number of machines is greater. In such situations, the administrator can use SureMDM to encrypt the device and have the encryption key shown on the console.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to see the MacOS encryption key in the SureMDM console after the encryption.




1. Encrypt the macOS machine. Click here for details.

2. Log out of the macOS machine, and a prompt with the FileVault Recovery Key will be displayed on the machine.

3. Once done, Log in back to the macOS machine. 

4. Navigate to System Preferences on the macOS machine and click Security & Privacy to check the status of the encryption. ​

5. Further, Log into the SureMDM console.

6. Select the device and click the Recovery Key shown in the dynamic jobs toolbar. A prompt will appear with the Encryption recovery key.

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Updated on November 2023
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