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  5. How to send Emergency Alerts to Android Devices through SureMDM

How to send Emergency Alerts to Android Devices through SureMDM

You can send emergency notifications as text messages, images, or videos to all the enrolled Android devices or a specific group of devices in SureMDM.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to send emergency alerts to Android devices through SureMDM.


  • The device must run SureMDM Agent v18.77 onwards for this feature to work.


Step 1: To send an emergency notification as a text message

1. Log into the SureMDM web console.

2. Navigate to Jobs > New Job > Android > Alert Message > Create New Alert.

3. On the Create Alert Message popup, enter the following details and click OK.

Job Name: Specify a name for the job.

Alert Title: Specify a title for the alert notification. Set the font size and font color for the alert notification title.

Alert Description: Enter the alert message description. Set the font size and font color for the alert description.

Alert Icon: Choose an alert icon from the predefined icons list or upload a custom icon. Set the icon size to Small, Medium, or Large.

Background Color: Set a background color for the alert message.

Layout: Set the alignment for the alert title (left, center, or right).

Preview: Check how the alert will be displayed on the device with the applied settings.

Alert Type: Select an Alert Type:

1. Display Alert: Select Display Alert if you want to display the alert notification directly on a device.

  • Enable Buzz: Set a time period (in seconds, minutes, or hours) for the device to buzz.
  • Close Alert Popup: Set a time (in seconds, minutes, or hours) after which the alert pop-up will close.

2. Display Popup: Select Display Popup if you want to display the alert notification as a popup.

  • Title: Specify a title for the alert popup.
  • Message: Customize the message for the alert popup.
  • Enable Snooze: Use this option to snooze the alert on a device even after closing the pop-up notification window.

The newly created job will be listed under the Jobs List section.

4. Go to the Home tab and select the Android device(s) or group(s).

5. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

6. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

Once the job is applied to the device, the alerts will be displayed as given below:

Step 2: To send an emergency notification as an image or video

1. Log into the SureMDM web console.

2. Navigate to Jobs > New Job > Android > Alert Message > Upload Existing Alert.

3. Enter the following details and click OK.

Job Name: Specify a name for the job.

Select File Type: Select the required file type.

  1. Image: Select Image if you want to send the alert notification as an image.
  • Alert Image: Browse and select an image for the alert.
  • Scale Image: Select an option from the following for scaling the alert image:
    • Normal
    • Fit to screen
    • Full Screen

2. Video: Select Video if you want to send the alert notification as a video.

  • Alert Video URL – Enter the URL of the alert video hosted on a server.
    Example – https://www.example.com/media/bbb-abc.mp4

Note: Youtube videos are not supported for alert notifications.

Alert Type: Select an Alert Type:

1. Display Alert: Select Display Alert if you want to display the alert notification directly on a device.

  • Enable Buzz: Set a time period (in seconds, minutes, or hours) for the device to buzz.
  • Close Alert Popup: Set a time (in seconds, minutes, or hours) after which the alert popup will close.

2. Display Popup: Select Display Popup if you want to display the alert notification as a popup.

  • Title: Specify a title for the alert popup.
  • Message: Customize the message for the alert popup.
  • Enable Snooze: Use this option to snooze the alert on a device even after closing the pop-up notification window.

The newly created job will be listed under the Jobs List section.

4. Go to the Home tab and select the Android device(s) or group(s).

5. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

6. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

Once the job is applied to the device, the image alert will be displayed as shown below:

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Updated on October 2023
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