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  5. How to set the default SMS application for Android devices

How to set the default SMS application for Android devices

The admins can now set the default SMS application for Android devices in SureMDM. This means that the end user will not be able to use any other SMS application other than the one that is set up by the administrator.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to set the default SMS application for Android devices.


  • The user should have a SureMDM account.
  • The Nix Agent version should be greater than 27.31.01.
  • This feature is supported on OS versions 10 and above.
  • This works only for devices enrolled in DO and WPCO.
  • The alternative messaging app has to be installed on the device.


  1. Login to the SureMDM console.
  2. Navigate to Profiles > New Profile > Android > System Settings > Application > Under Set Default SMS Application, enter the package name of the application that you want to set as the default SMS application.

Note: The same setting can be configured if a default profile has already been set.

  1. Click on Save and Apply the profile to the device.
  2. Now, we can see that the default SMS application has been set.

Before configuring the above settings, the default SMS application was Google Messaging.

After configuring the above settings, the default SMS application is Textra.

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Updated on March 2024
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