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  5. How to set the wallpaper on a macOS device using SureMDM

How to set the wallpaper on a macOS device using SureMDM

Admins can remotely set the wallpaper of the Mac device using SureMDM.


The purpose of the article is to provide a guide on how to set the wallpaper on a macOS device using SureMDM.


  • This feature is supported on SureMDM Agent version 5.0.3 and above for uploading the image through the console.


  1. Login to the SureMDM console using credentials.
  2. Navigate to Profiles.
  3. Select macOS as the Operating System and create or modify an existing profile.
  4. Select Branding and click Configure.
  5. We can either upload the image or enter the path of the image that already exists on the device.
  1. To upload an image, the SureMDM Agent has to be 5.0.3 and above. However, if you are specifying the path of the image, the Agent version is not necessary.
  2. Upload the image and save the profile.
  3. The profile should be deployed on the devices where the wallpaper needs to be configured.
  1. Similarly, if we specify the path of the image on the device, save the configurations, and deploy the profile, the wallpaper will be changed.

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Updated on March 2024
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