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  6. How to set up Windows Kiosk Mode using the SureMDM Kiosk Profile

How to set up Windows Kiosk Mode using the SureMDM Kiosk Profile

Setting up kiosk mode on a Windows 10 device ensures that the user can access only IT-approved applications.

The SureMDM Kiosk Profile feature is a powerful and scalable method available to IT administrators, using which they can configure Single-App or Multi-App kiosk modes on Windows devices.

As the name suggests, single-App refers to allowing access to only one application that runs all the time on the device.

On the other hand, the Multi-App mode can be used to approve more than one application, giving the user options to choose from. They can switch among those allowed apps but cannot get access to the rest of the system’s functionality.


The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on how to set up Windows Kiosk Mode using the SureMDM Kiosk Profile.




  1. Log into the SureMDM web console.
  2. Before you start with the configuration, please ensure that the device is enrolled into SureMDM through Windows EMM.
  3. Go to Profiles and select Windows. Further, click Add.
  4. Enter the Profile name, select Kiosk Profile, and click Configure.
  1. To restrict device users to a single app,
  • Select the Single app, Full-screen kiosk option in the dropdown menu of Select A Kiosk Mode.
  • Select the User Logon Type type as Auto Logon for guest users or select a Local user account to access the application on the kiosk device.

Note: When you select the Local user account option, enter the device user name in the User Logon Name field and the Application User Model ID (AUMID) of the application in the Store App ID field.

6. If you want to allow device users to access multiple apps or Win32 apps,

a. Select Multiple app kiosks from the Select a Kiosk Mode drop-down list.

b. Select the login type as Auto Logon for guest users or select a Local user account to access the application on the kiosk device.

c. To add an application, click Add and enter the below details.

  • Select Store app or Win32 app.
  • Enter the Application Name.
  • Enter the AUMID. Also, enter the path in the case of the Win32 app.


i. Run the get-StartApps command in the Windows Powershell of the device to generate the AUMID of the device.
ii. The path is the folder where the executable file will be saved on the device.

  • Select the Tile size for the application to be displayed on the kiosk device.
  • Click Add. Repeat these steps for each application you want to allow the user access to.

d. Check the Show Windows Taskbar option to show the Windows taskbar on the device.
e. Check the Allow Access To Downloads Folder option to allow access to the Download folder on Windows Explorer.

Once done, save the profile and push it to the devices to configure them as per the requirements.

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Updated on March 2025
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