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  5. How to silently install apps on Windows devices via SureMDM

How to silently install apps on Windows devices via SureMDM

A silent (or unattended) installation is the ability to install an application package, without end user intervention. This means that the user will no longer need to go through the install wizard (and click Next multiple times). The application will be installed automatically by calling the installer with specific silent install parameters.

Most of the time in Enterprise environments, some users would be able to install the app, but the majority may not have the technical knowledge or administrative privileges to install software by themselves. So, here administrators can easily have the application installed silently without end-user consent and make it easy for them.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to help admin silently install apps on Windows devices. 


Devices should be Dual Enrolled via SureMDM.


  1. Goto Jobs > Windows > Choose “Install application” > Click on “Add”. The below prompt will appear.
  1. Fill in the details accordingly as described below:
  • Select File type : You can choose either the downloaded file of the app to be installed or enter the URL for app download.
  • File : Upload the file if chosen for FILE as file as type OR enter the app downloadable URL if chosen for URL in the File type.
  • Device Path : This should be the system path/location of the file to be saved on the Windows devices.
  • Install After Copy : If this option is enabled, the installer prompt will be launched after download. If disabled, the file will be installed silently without launching the installer prompt.
  • Execute In Currently Logged In User : Select this option to deploy the job to the currently logged-in user.
  • Execute Path : Specify the device path if you want to launch an application along with the installer. You can use the silent switches as listed based on the application support on silent installation. Here are few commonly used silent switches:
  • /verysilent 
  • /silent
  • /qn 
  • /i
  • Norestart
  • /forcerestart
  • /s
  • /quiet 

NOTE : Silent switches are unique to each application, we could validate the information from the respective Application blog\Support pages for Silent Switches .

Silent Switches for a few commonly used Applications are listed below:

Slack (msi)

msiexec /i “slack-standalone-[VERSION_NUMBER].msi”  /qn /norestart

Zoom (msi)

msiexec /i ZoomRoomsInstaller.msi /quiet Silent=true

OpenVPN (exe)

MsiExec.exe /i OpenVPN-<version>.msi /qn

Notepad++ (exe)

npp.7.Installer.exe /S

Chrome (msi)

msiexec /q /l GoogleChrome.msi

Firefox (msi)

msiexec.exe /i “c:\MSi\Frefox.msi” /quiet

Microsoft Edge (exe)

MicrosoftEdgeSetup.exe /silent /install

Adobe Acrobat (msi)

msiexec /I AcroPro.msi /qn

Sentinel One (Via SureMDM RunScript)

<Location>\SentinelOneInstaller.exe -t <Token> -q -b

(Location of the installer file transferred via file transfer job in SureMDM.)

Once after entering the details, save the job.The newly created job will be listed in the Jobs List section. 

3.  Go back to the Home tab and select the Windows device(s) or group(s).

4.  Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.

5.  In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the job and click Apply.

NOTE: This install job mostly works for .EXE files.

If the application is not installing silently using the above silent commands, please validate against application’s blog/support pages or reach out to 42Gears Support.

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Updated on August 2023
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