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  5. How to uninstall applications on macOS

How to uninstall applications on macOS

Uninstall App job enables the admins to uninstall applications remotely on the enrolled devices. Users can uninstall applications installed on devices with the macOS operating system.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to uninstall applications installed on devices with the macOS operating system.


  • The uninstall is possible only if the app is a Managed App.
  • To make the application fully managed, it should be installed via VPP from ABM.


  1. On the SureMDM console, naviagte to Jobs. Click on New Job.
  2. Select the operating system as MacOS.
  1. Select Uninstall App.
  1. Select the application from the list, enter the job name, and click OK.
  1. Go back to the Home tab and select the Mac OS device
  2. Click Apply to launch the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt.
  3. In the Apply Job/Profile To Device prompt, select the uninstall  job and click Apply.

This will uninstall the App from the device.

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Updated on March 2024
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