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  4. How to uninstall SureLock from devices using SureMDM
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  5. How to uninstall SureLock from devices using SureMDM

How to uninstall SureLock from devices using SureMDM

It sometimes becomes necessary to uninstall SureLock on the device if there is some problem with its functioning or if the device is broken.

Below are the steps to properly remove SureLock from the device remotely using SureMDM.

  • Ensure the device is online on SureMDM and deactivate the SureLock license on the device or refer to the script on deactivating Standalone SureLock via SureMDM Console.
  • Exit SureLock on the device.
  • Uninstall SureLock on the device.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to uninstall SureLock from devices using SureMDM.


  • Only applicable on Standalone SureLock.


1. Log into SureMDM

2. Create a Run Script Job in the SureMDM web console with the below commands.

a. Deactivate SureLock License using the below command

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -n com.gears42.surelock/com.gears42.surelock.service.SureLockCommunicator -e "command" "deactivate" -e "password" "PASSWORD" com.gears42.surelock

Note: Replace PASSWORD in the above command with the actual password of the SureLock.

For example:

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -n com.gears42.surelock/com.gears42.surelock.service.SureLockCommunicator -e "command" "deactivate" -e "password" "0000" com.gears42.surelock

Here, 0000 is the password for SureLock.

b. Exit from SureLock using the below command.

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -n com.gears42.surelock/com.gears42.surelock.service.SureLockCommunicator -e "password" "0000" -e "command" "exit_surelock" com.gears42.surelock

Note: Replace PASSWORD in the above command with the actual password of the SureLock.

For example:

am broadcast -a com.gears42.surelock.COMMUNICATOR -e password 0000 -e command exit_surelock

Here, 0000 is the password for SureLock.

c. Uninstall SureLock using the below command.



Admin can also create a composite job with the jobs mentioned above and push it on the device. This will deactivate and uninstall SureLock from the device.

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Updated on October 2023
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