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How to update and manage the Bluetooth device name for Pico VR devices?

When it comes to managing multiple devices with the similar models it becomes challenging for admins to identify the Bluetooth name for every device when it’s set to device name by default under Android settings. However, admins can now overcome this challenge remotely by running a runscript command, which would help in concatenating a string with the Bluetooth name. 

Concatenating a string with the Bluetooth name would also help in differentiating any downloaded Bluetooth application on the device with that of the native Bluetooth connectivity service. 

Below is the runscript to set the strings with the Bluetooth name as prefix or suffix:

SetBTDeviceName(Prefix %deviceName% Suffix)

For example:

  1. If the device Name is Pico45,
    SetBTDeviceName(HVR %deviceName%)
    sets the Bluetooth device name as ‘HVR Pico45′
  2. If the device Name is P55,
    SetBTDeviceName(%deviceName% Test5) sets the Bluetooth device name as ‘P55 Test5′
  3. If the device Name BLR,
    SetBTDeviceName(VR %deviceName% QA) sets the Bluetooth device name as ‘VR BLR QA’

How to apply this script to the devices:

  1. Login to SureMDM console.
  2. Goto Jobs –> New job –> Android –> Run script.

3.Enter the above mentioned runscript in the script pane and give a job name, save it.

NOTE: This runscript works on SureMDM agent v14.16 onwards for Pico VR devices.

You can find the download link for SureMDM agent version 14.16 here: SureMDM pico Past Releases

To register for a free trial of SureMDM, click here.If you need further assistance, please submit a ticket here.

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Updated on November 2021
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