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  5. How to update DataWedge settings in Zebra Devices
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  4. How to update DataWedge settings in Zebra Devices

How to update DataWedge settings in Zebra Devices

Datawedge is an interface between hardware devices such as barcode scanner, MSR, RFID, voice, serial port, etc., and the Android system of the device. 

The function of Datawedge is to read and acquire the data from various inputs and manipulate the data based on the requirement. 

Using SureMDM, DataWedge settings can be updated. Below are the steps to achieve this.

1. Log into SureMDM and Create a File transfer job to transfer datawedge.db file to /sdcard location of the device.

2. Create Run Script job to transfer datawedge.db file to the auto-import folder on the device using the below command.

mv /sdcard/datawedge.db /enterprise/device/settings/datawedge/autoimport/

3. Crate another Run Script job to execute the file having script as below.

chmod 777 /enterprise/device/settings/datawedge/autoimport/datawedge.db

Note:  Users can apply all of these jobs sequentially in the same manner or can create a composite job having all these jobs.

Apply these jobs on the device and it will update the DataWedge settings on the Zebra devices.

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Updated on June 2021
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