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  4. How to update SureLock and SureFox settings remotely using SureMDM

How to update SureLock and SureFox settings remotely using SureMDM

SureMDM allows you to update SureLock and SureFox settings on your enrolled Android devices remotely. This means no user interaction is required while updating SureLock and SureFox settings.

There are two ways of doing it:

1. Update SureLock/SureFox settings using the inbuilt SureLock/SureFox option.

2. Update SureLock and SureFox settings using SureMDM Jobs.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to update SureLock and SureFox settings remotely using SureMDM.




Step 1: To update SureLock and SureFox settings using the SureMDM inbuilt SureLock and SureFox options

This option can be used only for devices that are currently online on SureMDM. You can view the current SureLock or SureFox settings for the selected device and make changes to them.

Follow the steps below to view and edit the configuration instantly.

1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. Identify and select the online device from the Device List section.

3. Next, click on the SureLock/SureFox button from the Quick Action Toolbar to launch the SureLock/SureFox Settings prompt.

4. On the SureLock/SureFox Settings prompt, make the desired changes.

5. Once the desired changes are made, you have the following options to choose from:

  • Save 
  • Save as File
  • Edit XML
  • Advanced Option

You can also make the changes in SureLock or SureFox settings using XML format.

Step 2 : To update SureLock and SureFox using SureMDM Jobs

Apart from using the above-mentioned SureLock and SureFox settings options from the Quick Action Toolbar, you can also create settings jobs that can later be applied to any online or offline device and even a group of devices. This method could be very useful if you have to update SureLock or SureFox settings on multiple devices at once.

To create a SureLock or SureFox settings job, follow these steps:

1. Login to the SureMDM Web Console.

2. On the SureMDM home screen, click on Jobs > New Job > Android.

3. On the Select Job Type screen, select SureLock Settings or SureFox Settings.

4. Next, on the SureLock/SureFox settings prompt, make the desired changes.

5. Once the desired changes are made, you have the following options to choose from:

  • Save 
  • Save as File

6. Once the job is saved, use the Apply option on the SureMDM home screen to apply the job to the desired devices or groups.

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Updated on June 2023
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