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  3. How to update the SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo configurations on mobile devices in the field

How to update the SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo configurations on mobile devices in the field

SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo recently introduced the ability to export their settings to a file. This settings file could later be imported on any number of devices. What this means is that an administrator can now configure and test his SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo configurations on one device. Once he is satisfied with the device lockdown achieved and feels the configuration is ready for final field deployment, he can export this setting to a file, copy this settings file to his other devices, and import it from within SureLock/SureFox/SureVideo. The entire lockdown configuration gets cloned on new devices within seconds.

Now we have taken SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo Import/Export settings to another level by enabling the administrator to remotely change SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo configuration on devices in the field without requiring any user intervention.


The purpose of this knowledge article is to provide a guide on how to update the SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo configurations on mobile devices in the field.


SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo can now be configured to periodically look for new configurations from a path. This path can be:

  • Import from file in the device: In this case, the administrator can push new configuration files to the SD card of the device remotely using some MDM solution (like SureMDM), and SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo will pick up the new configuration from this file automatically.
  • Import from HTTP URL: In this case, the administrator can just upload the new settings to his web server, and SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo will download the new configuration directly from the website.
  • Import using Cloud ID: In this case, the administrator can specify a Cloud ID from which the periodic check for setting import is to be done.

With all the above-mentioned methods, there is no user intervention required from the end-user. All SureLock, SureFox, and SureVideo devices will detect the presence of a new configuration and apply it.


1. Go to SureLock/SureFox/SureVideo Settings and go to Import/Export Settings.

2. Under the Automatic Import section, make sure Enable Automatic Import is checked.

3. Tap on Automatic Import From and select either From File or From Cloud.

4. If Import From File, tap on Automatic Import File, browse, and select the file.

5. If Import From Cloud, tap on Auto Import Cloud ID and enter a Cloud ID.

6. Next, tap on Periodically Check and enter the periodicity in minutes with which you want SureLock, SureFox, or SureVideo to poll for new settings.

Once complete, SureLock will check for changes in the SureLock Settings, which it can gather from the path mentioned under Automatic Import From, every scheduled time period. If SureLock detects a change, then the settings file will be automatically imported.

Step 2: In order to obtain the settings file from an old device, follow the steps below:

1. Go to SureLock/SureFox/SureVideo Settings and click on  Import/Export Settings.

2. Under the Export Settings section, tap on Export to File. Enter the local file path where you want to save the settings.

3. Once complete, SureLock should successfully export its current settings to the specified path.

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Updated on September 2023
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