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  4. How to create a compliance policy for Things devices in SureMDM?

How to create a compliance policy for Things devices in SureMDM?

Things Management allows IT admins to remotely monitor and manage connected devices – Things through SureMDM. These Things are devices that perform very specific functions with limited connectivity with the host machine over USB, Bluetooth, and WiFi such as card readers, smart bulbs, Bluetooth headsets, etc. You can create Compliance Jobs, which impose specific parameters devices must follow. SureMDM can monitor things at all times without your intervention; when things break the device rules, SureMDM can automatically take response actions to secure company data.

Steps to create and apply Compliance Job on enrolled devices

1. Login to SureMDM Web Console.

2. Go to Jobs and select New Job.

3. On the Select Operating System screen, select Things as the platform.

4. On the Select Job Type screen, click Compliance Job.

5. On the Compliance Job prompt, give a name to the job and click on the Custom option from the following compliance list:

6.To create Compliance Rules, click on add and configure the below values.

– Rule Name: Configure the Rule name and it should be a unique name

– Device Model: Select the Device model from the drop-down.

– Device Property: Select the Device Property from the drop-down.

– Condition: Select the condition from the drop-down.

– Value: Set the compliance threshold value.

– Duration Of Event (In Mins): Set the duration of the event in order to be out of compliance.

Out of Compliance action actions include the following:

  • Send message 
  • E-mail notification
  • Send SMS

7. Once done, click Save to complete.

8. Go to the SureMDM Home page, select the desired device and click on Apply.

9. On the Apply Job prompt, select the created Compliance Job and click on Apply.

For more details on our products, click here

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Updated on July 2021
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